Fenn’s Old Works community consultation exercise
Fenn’s Old Works community consultation exercise
Questionnaire – general 21 01 18
Warning to Speeding Drivers!
The Police in North Wales are having a major crackdown on speeding drivers.
We urge all drivers to be aware of this and drive safely within the speed limit.
You have been warned!
Iscoyd WI
meets on the second Thursday every month at 7.30 p.m. Contact Peggie Beddows on 01948 780402 for more information. Whitewell Parish Rooms
Art Club
Tuesday mornings at 9.30 a.m. Please come along and meet us. Whitewell Parish Rooms
Pilates Classes
Whitewell Parish Rooms. Wednesday mornings Levels 1 and 2 at 9.00 a.m. Level 3 at 10.15. The 9.00 a.m. sessions are currently full but the Level 3 has vacancies. If you are interested in joining either class, please contact Claire – 07979333209.