Author Archive


The Whitewell Book Club meets in the Parish Rooms every third Tuesday from 7.00 until 9.00 p.m. New members welcome. To find out more, please contact Sue Clarke on 01948 781036 or email


St David’s Day

Sunday 5 March 2017

St. David’s Day Parish Lunch at Iscoyd Park
by kind permission of Phil & Susie Godsal


Harvest Supper – 26 September

Marbury will be having a Harvest Supper on Monday 26th September, following the Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 25th .

Please reserve the date in your diaries – it will be held in Marbury Village Hall at 7.00 pm, with food to be served at 7.30.

Tickets will be £7.50 each for a supper of cottage pie, followed by apple pie (bring your own drinks), and there will be a bring-and-buy produce stall.


Whitechurch Canal Festival

Whitechurch Canal Festival – 20 – 21 August 2016


Agenda – 08 Sept 2016

Click below link to open agenda:

08- Sep BCC Agenda


Agenda – 07 July 2016

Click below link to open agenda:

07- Jul BCC Agenda


Agenda – 06 June 2016

Click below link to open agenda:

06- Jun BCC Agenda


Minutes Meeting – 06/06/2016

Click below link to open Minutes of Meeting:

06 June 2016 Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes – 05a BCC 04/05/2016

Click below link to open Minutes of Meeting:
05a- BCC May 16 Annual Parish Minutes


Meeting Minutes – 05/05/2016

Click below link to open Minutes of Meeting:
05 May 2016 Meeting Minutes
